1 . Delivery
channel means....
Answer: Place where
products are made available to the buyers
2. Successful
marketing aims at:
Answer: Increasing the
sales volume, profits, outputs of the sales persons
3. Negotiation
skills help in
¤ Arriving at
¤ Breaking the ice
¤ Carrying marketing further
¤ Mutual win-win result of bargaining
4. Marketing
Expansion means....
Answer: Growth in sales
through existing and new products
5. What is
Ad-Valorem Duties?
Answer: Duties determined
as a certain percentage of prices of the product.
6. What is Asset
Liability Manager (ALM)?
Answer: Asset/ liability
management involves a set of techniques to create value and manage risks in a
7. Product design is
a function:
Answer: Marketing and
Research Team
8. Expand ALCO:
Answer: Asset-Liability
Management Committee
9. What are the
elements of consumer behavior?
Answer: Benefits
10. What do y ou mean
by Augmented brand?
Answer: Value addition
to the customer services and benefits that are built around the core product or
service offering
11 . Which psychological
factor does not influence consumer behavior?
Answer: Income level
12. Which is not
include in personal factors while purchasing a product?
Answer: Nationality
13. Motives of buying does not involve :
Answer: Consulting all
14. Buy ing process
inv olves the ------- process:
Answer: Identification
of need, Priority of the need, Affordability
15 . Ultimate
decision of Consumer depends on:
Answer: Cost, Quality ,
Benefits, Guarantee and warranty
16. Today marketing
Answer: Customer driven
17. The level of satisfaction
a consumer keeps towards a brand name is called:
Answer: Branch loy alty
18. Marketing of
internet banking product banks means:
Answer: Marketing of
bank transactions through internet as it is cheaper to customer and
19. In marketing,
attitude can best be described as a:
Answer: Mental status of
20. Just in time is a
technique first used in which country ?
Answer: Japan
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