What is UML?
- UML is Unified Modeling Language
- We have already understood 'Modeling'
- A 'Language' is a medium of communication
- A 'Modeling Language' is a way to communicate models clearly and crisply
- To understand why it is called 'Unified', we will look at the history of UML
History of UML
- 1970's-1980's: Object-oriented modeling languages, a new generation of object-oriented programming languages and increasingly complex applications
- 1990's-1994: Object-oriented methods increased from 10 to more than 50 resulting in "method wars". Booch's method, Jacobson's DOSE, Rumbaugh's OMT, Fusion, Shlaer-Mellor and Coad-Yourdon methods are the most prominent methods
- 1995-2003: Grady Booch (Rational Software Corporation), Ivar Jacobson (Objectory) and James Rumbaugh (General Electric) began to adopt ideas from one another's methods. (UML v0.8 - v1.5)
- 2004: UML v2.0 was started

Introduction to UML
- UML has been standardized by OMG (Object Management Group) — by unification of Booch's method, Jacobson's DOSE (Object-Oriented Software Engineering) and Rumbaugh's OMT (Object Modeling Technique) at before "Rational" Software Corporation
- This unification gave birth to Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- Several organizations contributed to the development of UML. They are:
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